
DIY Decorations with Wood Slices – Part 3
Using Big Wood Slices The following blogs are a three-part series where we can dive into some great DIYs using some leftover branches and create some

DIY Decorations With Wood Slices – Part 2
The following blogs will be a three-part series where we can dive into some great DIYs using some leftover branches and create some artful wood

DIY Decorations With Small Wood Slices
The following blogs will be a three-part series where we can dive into some great DIYs using some leftover branches and create some artful wood slices decor. Sometimes you don’t have

Staircase Storage Ideas
Even though you have a lot of storage areas in your home and the garage, it never seems to be enough! But have you ever

Wood Carving 101
Woodworking is one of the oldest arts or humankind. From early-men using spears and attaching stone points, creating utensils, architecture and ultimately carving pieces or

Removing Water Stains in Wood
It’s happened to everyone. The condensation on your kid’s water cup has left a ring stain from the day before. Or, maybe you bumped into

Knot Just Wood
Knots on wood pieces add character and give an attractive look. The wood grain creates waves around the knot as the tree or branch grew

Woodturning Blanks for the Craftsman
Woodturning is a unique skill that requires patience and, most importantly, vision. From identifying the piece of wood you want to use to figure out

Transform your Home with Hardwood Mesquite Stairs.
Sometimes understated, stairs are a significant part of a house. They are an addition to the look and feel. They are walked through, jumped and