DIY Decorations with Wood Slices – Part 3

Using Big Wood Slices The following blogs are a three-part series where we can dive into some great DIYs using some leftover branches and create some artful wood slices decor. Welcome back to the final three-part series of DIY decorations with leftover wood slices. For the past two months, we’ve dived into DIYs using smaller wood […]

DIY Decorations With Wood Slices – Part 2

The following blogs will be a three-part series where we can dive into some great DIYs using some leftover branches and create some artful wood slices decor. Welcome back to the continuation of last month’s blog! Let’s dive in and go over some great DIYs for leftover branches. This month we move up a level […]

DIY Decorations With Small Wood Slices

The following blogs will be a three-part series where we can dive into some great DIYs using some leftover branches and create some artful wood slices decor. Sometimes you don’t have the money to buy big pieces of wood, sometimes all you need are the leftovers of the latest tree trimming in your neighborhood and you can make wonders! Here are […]

Staircase Storage Ideas

Even though you have a lot of storage areas in your home and the garage, it never seems to be enough! But have you ever thought about the space underneath or in your stairs? Well, let us show you the possibilities! We know sometimes it could be impossible due to the design of the house […]

Wood Carving 101

Woodworking is one of the oldest arts or humankind. From early-men using spears and attaching stone points, creating utensils, architecture and ultimately carving pieces or art. All around the world different cultures mastered this art creating stunning statues, pieces of furniture, boats, buildings and more. Woodcarving is defined as the action or skill of carving […]

Removing Water Stains in Wood

It’s happened to everyone. The condensation on your kid’s water cup has left a ring stain from the day before. Or, maybe you bumped into your beautiful mesquite coffee table and the cup of coffee spilled a little but it was enough to leave a stain; even hot dishes can betray you and leave white […]

Knot Just Wood

Knots on wood pieces add character and give an attractive look. The wood grain creates waves around the knot as the tree or branch grew wider, giving each knot a different appearance depending on its position and how much the wood grew around or on top of it. Knots are imperfections of a tree caused […]

Woodturning Blanks for the Craftsman

Woodturning is a unique skill that requires patience and, most importantly, vision. From identifying the piece of wood you want to use to figure out what you want to do, and finally visualizing the object. Woodturning is simply the craft of creating wood pieces, either for decoration or for their day-to-day use, utilizing a lathe. […]

Transform your Home with Hardwood Mesquite Stairs.

Hoover Stairs

Sometimes understated, stairs are a significant part of a house. They are an addition to the look and feel. They are walked through, jumped and stomped. Choosing the wrong material with the high traffic they sustain can cause a lot of damage like scratches, dents wore-down areas and even splints. You want a material that […]

The Art of Bookmatch

When creating a new peace or project, craftsmanship takes a lot of time and thinking. Knowing your woods, tools, and tricks can make a section of wood a one-of-a-kind art piece. Nature can help you out sometimes when you’re looking for a perfect piece of wood that it’s original with a lot of details and […]